Friday, December 08, 2006

Satsang The Glory of Shirdi Sai - Issue 25--2006 from Saidarbar.

Fourth Year of Publication
Published as Bi-Weekly
Issue 25 / 2006
You can also read this magazine on line

The first & only magazine in 3d Page turning format.


Saidarbar will be celibrating the 9th birth day on
25-12-2006 and the e- magazine
"The glory of Shirdi Sai"will be entering fifth year of
publication on 01-01-2007 please offer your
suggestions and blessings in our endeavor to
serve you better.


Compiled by:
Sai Sevak Smt. Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar – Hyderabad.

Copious references are found in the variety of holy texts
about the disastrous consequences of the vices like
gambling and the dreadful effects of habitual drinking.
Intoxication results in absent mindedness. Some may
take shelter under the plea that drinks are consumed to
forget worries or to spend time or for enjoyment. In the
state of inebriation, even their position in society and
dignity will be forgotten.

Three verses in the Ramayan containing details of the
behavior of men under the influence of drinks, spelt out
by Lord Rama Himself while He was taking rest before
launching the search mission (Sita anevashana),
deserve to be propagated as they are of relevance even
in the Present days.

In SaiSatchritra – Chapter 19 – Baba appeared in the
dream of a devotee -

"To one addicted to drink, He appeared in his dream,
sat on his chest, pressed it and left him, after he gave
a promise not to touch liquor anymore".

Om Shantih Shantih Shantihi
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu.

To be continued…

10th December, 1909: Devotees began to offer regular
worship to Baba in the Chavidi, where Baba slept on
alternate days.

25th December, 1909: Baba gave darshan in the form
of Sri Rama to a doctor who was an ardent devotee of
Sri Rama who came with a Mamlatdar to Shiridi.

10th December, 1910: Hon'ble Dadasaheb Khaparde
of Amraoti first visited Shirdi.

10th December, 1910: Foundation stone of Dixit Wada
was laid with Baba's permission

These are the dream sequences and messages as
received by SaiBaNiSaji From our beloved GURU LORD
SAINATH OF SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that this feature
will help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled
from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS.

Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY.


Yesterday, I bowed before Sainath and asked HIM to tell
me about the heart. The dream went like this-
I began my life journey from a Railway station. By the time
I reached the next station, I got married to a woman. I
reached the next station and came across many friends
who tried grabbing my money by inducing me to the
luxuries in life. Then I alighted from the train in the next
station where everything is available for a price. I along
with my wife got down there and spent time together as
any other commoner does. Time passed away without
our knowledge on the platform itself. In the meanwhile,
our family size increased to four. We decided to board
another train, but my wife prevented me and wanted
us to stay for some more time. The statue of Potti
Sriramulu (a freedom fighter and a bachelor) was piteously
laughing at me sarcastically. I got furious and my sleep
got disturbed. What did Sai want to say in this dream?

Later I realized that journey through life is like a train
journey. Our heart takes the lead role of bridging the gaps
with other people. To sustain the contacts once made,
heart pushes us into the endless chain of burning desires.
It is here the help of Guru is needed to come out from
the vicious circle of desires.

Samardha Sadhguru alone can pull one out of the
worldly mess.


As sequel to the yesterday's dream I continued to
know more about the ways the heart finds to fulfill
the materialistic desires.

The mind is always full of unfulfilled wishes and desires,
and mind is restlessly engaged in working to satiate
Never let the mind loose the direction while exercising
continuous control. The disciplined mind always travels
in the right direction. Invite only good thoughts in to the
mind. Select the best of the good thoughts and make
them as the goals in the life to be achieved. To attain the
highest ideals is to knowing thyself. Never let anger
override as the power of reasoning gets lost and pulls
down, one to even greater depths.

A stable mind thinks healthy with wisdom applied.



Sai- "How to keep the mind under control"?

The visual depicted mind as the one that is not bound
by any limits and boundaries is always filled with ever
lasting and skyrocketing desires. Every time it has to
be necessarily brought down to the ground state. This
realization alone will help in keeping mind under

Let reality not vanish from the sight every time.


I prayed Sainath to guide me in keeping the mind away
from the evil thoughts. Sai has shown the following

The mind is a Peninsula surrounded by the Thrikals-
The past, present and future. The bad thoughts gain
entry through the Fourth route. Having once entered,
it is extremely difficult to exercise control or get rid
of them. So the route has to be blocked and separated
like a water barrier from all the four sides.

Let there be an outer circle of protection with Sai as
center to guard from the evils.

To be continued…..
(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)

25. Importance of Swadharma:

Sri SaiBaba further explained: "If you are performing
Swadharma, you will get some beneficial results. Those
who are not able to understand the importance of
Swadharma, they criticize as they like. You should not
give importance to them. To those who perform their
Swadharma, not only their Ananda will increase, but
also their mental worries will be reduced. To them the
attraction towards worldly activities get reduced and

they proceed efficiently in Atma- Marga. Remember
that Divinity is present in everyone."

Observing your mental attitude do your destined duties
Practice this.
Lastly, Baba told about Swadharma thus:

"Do your duty bound activities, as divine activities and do
them with full of courage. Face the difficulties bravely.
You are not different from God – believe this fully. Why
are you getting mentally worried?
Why are you wasting all your energy in securing food?
Always think of
the Divinity in you. Without fear loudly express "I am
Brahman-Aham Brahmasmi". I am Para Brahma, I am
present every where in this universe; I am not only in this
body". Know this.
The whole Universe is in you. You are not realizing your
greatness. Converting your Divine power into dutiful
action, enjoy it as Divine pleasure with a delightful heart.

To be continued…..
108 Names of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba

The Garland of One Hundred and Eight Names of the
Venerable Shirdi Sai

73. Om Anaathanaatha-diina-bandhave Namah.
Om, to the Protector of those without protector, the
Friend of the poor, prostration!

74. Om Sarva-bhaara-bhrite Namah.
Om, to Him who takes upon Himself everyone's burden,

75. Om Akarmaaneka-karma-sukarmine Namah.
Om, to Him who well accomplishes the unsavory tasks,

76 Om Punya-shravana-kiirtanaaya Namah.
Om, to Him the hearing of whose glorification is purifying,

77 Om Tiirthaaya Namah.
Om, to the (holy) Ford, prostration!

78 Om Vaasudevaaya Namah.
Om, to (Krishna) Vasudeva's Son, prostration!

79. Om Sataangataye Namah.
Om, to the Ultimate Resort of the good, prostration!

80. Om Satparaayanaaya Namah.
Om, to the Final End of the good, prostration!

81. Om Lokanaathaaya Namah.
Om, to the Lord of the worlds, prostration!

82 Om Paavanaanaghaaya Namah.
Om, to the Purifier Immaculate, prostration!

83. Om Amritaamshave Namah.
Om, to (the Moon identified with Holy Plant Soma)
whose filaments give forth the juice of immortality,

84. Om Bhaaskara-prabhaaya Namah.
Om, to the Sun of shining halo, prostration!

85. Om Brahmacarya-tapascaryaadi-suvrataaya Namah.
Om, to Him whose vows are chastity, asceticism and
so on, prostration!

86. Om Satya-dharma-paraayanaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who is the ultimate resort of truthfulness,

87. Om Siddheshvaraaya Namah.
Om, to Shiva of Yogic powers, prostration!

88 Om Siddha-sankalpaaya-Namah.
Om, to the Lord of the Realized Ones (the immortal
yogin Dattatreya), prostration!

89. Om Yogeshvaraaya Namah.
Om, to (Shiva) the Lord of Yoga, prostration!

90. Om Bhagavate Namah.
Om, to the Possessor of Divine Glory, prostration!

91. Om Bhakta-vatsalaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who loves His devotees, prostration!

92. Om Satpurushaaya Namah.
Om, to the True Male (purusa), prostration!

93. Om Purushottamaaya Namah.
Om, to the Best among Men, prostration!

94. Om Satya-tattva-bodhakaaya Namah.
Om, to (the Guru) who awakens (His disciples) to the
Principles of Reality, prostration!

95. Om Kaamaadi-shad-vairi-dhvamsine Namah.
Om, to the Destroyer of the Six Foes beginning with
Desire (Desire, Anger, Greed, Hatred, Pride, and Envy),

96 Om Abhed-aanandaanubhava-pradaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who freely gives the actual experience of
Undivided Bliss, prostration!

97. Om Sama-sarva-mata-sammataaya Namah.
Om, to (the Sai himself, here presented in a characteristic
feature of His teaching) who approves all religious
persuasions as equal, prostration!

98. Om Shrii dakshinaa-muurtaye Namah.
Om, to the Venerable (Shiva as the Teacher of Absolute
Truth through silence) with His face to the South (the
direction of Death, as identified with one of the Fires in
the Vedic sacrifice), prostration!

99. Om Shrii venkatesha ramanaaya Namah.
Om, to Ramana, the Lord of Venkata Hill, prostration!

100. Om Adbhutaananta-caryaaya Namah.
Om, to Him of wonderful and blissful deeds, prostration!

101. Om Prapannaarti-haraaya Namah.
Om, to Him who takes away the pains of those who
yield themselves (to Him), prostration!

102. Om Samsaara-sarva-duhkha-kshaya-karaaya
Om, to the Cause of the obliteration of every suffering
of the Round of Rebirth, prostration!

103. Om Sarvavit-sarvato-mukhaaya Namah.
Om, to the Omniscient One, whose face is, turned
everywhere, prostration!

104. Om Sarvaantar-bahih-sthitaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who stays inside and outside all (beings),

105. Om Sarva-mangala-karaaya Namah.
Om, to the Cause of all auspiciousness, prostration!

106. Om Sarvaabhiista-pradaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who freely gives all things wished for,

107. Om Samarasa-sanmaarga-sthaapanaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who consolidates the Truth Path along which
all experience (for the mystic) has the same taste,

108. Om Shrii samartha sadguru Saaii naathaaya Namah.
Om, to the Venerable Efficacious True Guru, the Lord Sai,

Shrii Sadguru Sai Naatha Mahaaraaja kii Jaya!
Hail Shri Sainath Maharaj, the Supreme Guru

LIVERMORE, CALIFORNIA, USA, November 30, 2006:
The Shiva-Vishnu Temple in Livermore is holding a open
house and a celebration on Saturday -- the Geeta Jayanti
Celebration --, and is inviting the whole community.
Prabha Duneja, one of the organizers, also sees it as
a retreat. She will lead a guided meditation, which she
described as a "journey to the infinite bliss."

The free, public event is a combined feast, pageant and
open house. It begins at 10 a.m. with a recital of the
Hindus' Holy Sermon of Bhagavad-Geeta. The celebration
includes recitals of hymns, devotional singing, dancing
and other Hindu observances and celebrations. A free
Indian vegetarian lunch will be served from 11 a.m. until
4 p.m. The Shiva-Vishnu Temple of Livermore can be
reached for more information at 925-449-6255

Gokarna meaning "Cow's Ear" is a small town situated
in the North Kannada district of the coastal Karnataka
state, India. Gokarna is about 453 km from Bangalore,
240 km north of Mangalore and about 59 km from
Karwar. Sandwiched between the Gangavali and
Agnashini river mouth it is named for the ear-shaped
confluence of two rivers. The town is known more as
a pilgrimage centre than a tourist destination.Locals
believe that Gokarna derives its name from the legend
in which Lord Shiva emerged from the ear of a cow.
Gokarna, with its coconut palms, its blue seas and
clean sands, is perfect for an idyllic vacation by the
sea. Gokarna is also an important centre of Sanskrit
learning. Many Hindus perform last rites of a person
here in Gokarna. The ancient Mahabaleshvara Temple
is one of the major temples in Gokarna. It is situated
at the western end of the main street. History has it
that the Atmalinga brought by Ravana got struck here
and his efforts to extricate it resulted in his throwing
the coverings of the Linga to Dhareshwar,
Gunavanteshwara, Murdeshwar and Shejjeshwar
temples. The deity here is two-armed, standing, and
at least 1500 years old. In the sanctuary is a stone
linga, encased in brass, placed on a coiled stone
serpent. The floor of the hall in front has an intricate
engraving of a gaint tortoise. The Bhadrakali and
Venkataramana temples, Kotiteertha tank are other
holy places in Gokarna.
Shiva Ratri is celebrated here with great fanfare.
Each year a team builds up two great temple
chariots which is used during the Shiva Ratri
festival. The two great temple chariots lead a
procession through the town's narrow streets,
while priests and pilgrims chant hymns in praise
of Shiva. More than a hundred people are needed
to pull the chariots with thick ropes while priests
conduct religious ceremonies inside. During the
four day Shiva Ratri festival the small town of
Gokarna is visited by up to 20,000 pilgrims.
Note: Sri Shirdi Sai devotees are advised to do
Sri Sai Satcharitra Parayana in Gokarna atleast
onetime in lifespan.

From the files of Saidarbar:
S. Nagarajan, Chennai, India
On 11th Feb. 2001 at Kancheepuram we performed
Maha Kumbabhishekam to our presiding deity
Lord Shiva located in the serene and idyllic village
of Singadivakkam which is situated at a distance
of 14 Km away from Kancheepuram towards
Chennai. About a thousand of devotees were
blessed to attend the celestial ceremony in all its
splendor and glory. The function was graced by
high dignitaries from all walks of life. This function
lasted for two days.

Having performed the Maha Kumbabhishekam
in all its fullest and utmost satisfaction we
proceeded to the bus terminus to board the bus
To Chennai. Whilst waiting in the queue to
collect the reservation tickets, due to the high
commotion and unmanageable crowd at the
reservation counter my mother by oversight
left the bag on one of the chair in the waiting

The bag contained Jewels worth 30 sovereigns
and cash amount of Rs.1500/= in all. After
lapse of ten minutes having collected the
reservation coupon we boarded the bus which
started after a delay of ten minutes. Fifteen
minutes after the bus left Kancheepuram, all
of a sudden we realized the bag was missing
and we could recollect that the bag was left
behind at the bus terminus. My mother and my
wife were in a confused state of mind about
the missing bag. On coming to know about the
loss of the bag, the co-passengers discouraged
us from going back to Kancheepuram to retrieve
the bag. But my wife Mrs. Rani Nagarajan was
firm and confident that the bag would certainly
be there.

So we alighted from the bus and proceeded back
to Kancheepuram by an autorickshaw to reach
the bus terminus after a period of 15 minutes.
By the grace of our ANTHYARYAMI AND
SABKASAMI the bag was lying there safe and
untouched in the very same crowded place having
not attracted the eyes of passers-by. And now
shall I tell you my dear SAI bandhus the bag
contained Babas Udhi, Aarthi Song books and
locket of Shirdi Sai apart from the things mentioned
earlier. This exhilarating experience reveals the
unending and continuous miracles of Sai Udhi

12/3/2006 05:55:50 -0800

Sai Ram. Let us continue with the Spiritual Gems
from this chapter.
Sai Ram. SS refers to Sri Sai Satcharitra and SVS
refers to me, Sai's servant and tool to bring these
Spiritual Gems to you. Sai Ram.

SS: The Pandharpur Pleader
We shall close this Chapter with short story showing
Baba's omniscience and His using it for correcting
people and setting them on the right path. Once a
pleader from Pandharpur came to Shirdi, went to
the Dwarakamai, saw Sai Baba, fell at His Feet
and, without being asked, offered some Dakshina,
and sat in a corner eager to hear the talk that was
going on.

SVS: Sai Ram. His eagerness is good and brought
him to Shirdi. Sai Ram.

SS: Then Baba turned His face towards him and said -
"How cunning the people are! They fall at the feet,
offer Dakshina, but inwardly give abuses behind the
back. Is not this wonderful?" This cap (remark) fitted
the pleader and he had to wear (take) it. None
understood the remark. The pleader grasped it, but
kept silent. When they returned to the Wada, the
pleader said to Kakasaheb Dixit - "What Baba remarked
was perfectly right. The dart (remark) was aimed at me;
it was a hint to me that I should not indulge in reviling
or scandalizing others (calling by names). When the
subjudge or munsiff of Pandharput (Mr.Noolkar) came
and stayed here for the improvement of his health, a
discussion about this matter was going on in the
bar-room at Pandharpur (as it ever happens in many
a bar-room). It was said or discussed there whether
the ailments, from which the sub-judge suffered were,
ever likely to be got rid of without medicines, by
merely going after Sai Baba, and whether it was
proper for an educated man, like the sub-judge, to
have recourse to such methods. The sub-judge was
taken to task, i.e. he was criticized, as also Sai Baba.
I also took some part in this affair; and now Sai Baba
showed the impropriety of my conduct. This is not a
rebuke to me, but a favor, an advice that I should
not indulge in any scandal or slander of others; and
not interfere unnecessarily in others' affairs".

SVS: Sai Ram. Being a cunning fellow (cunning
people are intelligent, but their intelligence is going
in wrong channels, by addressing him indirectly as
cunning, Sai advised him to channelise his
Intelligence rightly), he got the message quickly.
It was Sai's specialty to make some remarks which
only the intended among the audience understood.
Sai Ram.

We heard of Sri Tatyasaheb Noolkar in the early
chapters of Satcharitra. Shri Hemadpant was met
by Sri Noolkar (See Chapter 2) and Shri Hemadpant
refers to him as a great Sai devotee. And it is
interesting to note that Shri Noolkar was not initially
willing to go to Shirdi but was pulled there because
of his poorva janma bandha and it is also interesting
to note that he stayed in Shirdi without going back
to Pandharput and passed away in Shirdi. Sai
remarked that Noolkar went ahead of us and he
won't be reborn, indicating that Shri Noolkar got
Mukti, liberation. Sai Ram. Similarly Baba took
pity on this pleader too and pulled him to Shirdi
and gave him a good upadesh.
Sai Ram.

SS: Shirdi is about 100 Koss (Koss=3 miles) distant
from Pandharpur; still Baba by His omniscience
knew what transpired there in the bar-room. The
intervening places -- rivers, jungles and mountains -
were not a bar to His all-perceiving sight and He
could see or read the hearts of all. There was
nothing secret or veiled from Him. Everything, far
or near, was plain and clear to Him as broad as
daylight. Let a man be far or near, he cannot
avoid the all-pervading gaze of Sai Baba. From
this incident, the pleader took the lesson that
he should never speak ill of others, nor
unnecessarily criticize them. This his evil
tendency was completely got rid of, and he
was set on the right path.
Though the story refers to a pleader, still it is
applicable to all. All should, therefore, take
this lesson to heart and profit thereby. Sai Baba's
greatness is unfathomable, so are His wonderful
Leelas. His life is also such; for He is Para-Brahman
(Lord God) incarnate.

SVS: Sai Ram. Baba was One with all animate and
inanimate objects, the whole universe and hence had
no difficulty to know what is going on anywhere. And
when the devotee is ready, he was pulled to Sai and
given the right advice so that the path becomes
easier to him. Sai Ram.

We will take up the next chapter in the coming weeks.
Sai Ram.

Bow to Shri Sai - Peace be to all

Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.

Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know
Baba use to play with children and used to tell
stories to them? I felt children visiting Saidarbar
should be entertained with good stories. For the
last two years I have told you about Lord Krishna's
Leelas and Lord Rama Story. Now I want to tell
the stories what heard in my child hood.

The Legend of the Rice

In the days when the earth was young and all
things were better than they now are, when men
and women were stronger and of greater beauty,
and the fruit of the trees was larger and sweeter
than that which we now eat, rice, the food of the
people, was of larger grain.

One grain was all a man could eat; and in those
early days, such, too, was the merit of the people,
they never had to toil gathering the rice, for, when
ripe, it fell from the stalks and rolled into the villages,
even unto the granaries. And upon a year when the
rice was larger and more plentiful than ever before,
a widow said to her daughter "Our granaries are too
small. We will pull them down and build larger."

When the old granaries were pulled down and the
new one not yet ready for use, the rice was ripe in
the fields. Great haste was made, but the rice
came rolling in where the work was going on, and
the widow, angered, struck a grain and cried, "Could
you not wait in the fields until we were ready? You
should not bother us now when you are not wanted."

The rice broke into thousands of pieces and said
"From this time forth, we will wait in the fields until
we are wanted," and from that time the rice has
been of small grain, and the people of the earth
must gather it into the granary from the fields.


Sai ka laadla:
11/8/2006 05:14:58 -0800

He is The Father - Only Eternal
Aum Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai

The relationship between Sri Sai Baba and His
devotee is expressed in several ways. He is the
mother, He is the father. He is Sadguru and He
is God. He can be anything to anyone, just the
way one would like it. However, the difference
is that the relationship is permanent and existed
even before it was known or felt. Sri Sai Baba
would often say, I will draw my devotee to me,
just as a bird is drawn with strings attached to
its legs. The analogy aptly refers to the agitated
mind of the child that is comforted by the thought
of His safe hands. Let us see the relationship
beautifully expressed in the following phrases:

This relationship between the Supreme Being
and the individual soul [human being] will never
be allowed to be snapped. Unlike the steps taken
by a father to groom his son or daughter and the
Latter expressing his gratitude, which acts are
merely temporary, the tie between God and His
devotees will be unbroken forever. The essential
requirement of the latter is to shed his ego. Saint
Appar has said even as a snake bites a person,
ego stings him resulting in aberration in his
behavior. Secondly, as a servant, he should
demonstrate how he is always dependent on
the Almighty. Poet Kamban has pointed out how
Rama [God in the form of human being] followed
Sage Vishwamitra and how Laxman dutifully
attended on Him. I serve Him to please Him
Were his words. Likewise a sincere devotee
should declare pleading with God, I want only
You and none else and nothing else'.

The term devotion' has been described in holy
works from different angles. The essence of it,
in simple manner, will be that it represents
perfection of humility and ardent service to God
and His messengers and also extinction of ones
ego and ill will. It should not be mistaken with
the display of mere emotional rapture. Then,
What will be the definition of a sincere devotee?
This too has been stated clearly, namely that he
is one who has clear understanding of his
relationship with the Almighty and that the bond
that exists between the two is permanent. He
should hold on to the feet of one God alone
without switching his loyalty to various deities.
A devotee will assiduously carry out Divine
commands, and will attend on spiritual guides.

Bow To Sri Sai - Peace Be To All
May Baba Be Always With You

"Saraswathi Devi":
Wed, 15 Nov 2006 10:19:30 -0800 (PST)

At the Dvivne feet Of mother Sai!

Paap kiya kya bolo Swami
tere darshan mile na
tujhe dekhe bina ek pal bhi
roye mere naina

sab ko thum ne bulaaya SHIRIDI
mujh ko kyun na bulaaya thune
kya mujh mein nahin bhakthi
kithnaa bhi samjhaun Swami
kithnaa bhi samjhaun dilko
ye dil maanenaa
tujhe dekhe bina
ek pal bhi roye mere naina paap kiya
kya bolo swami

ithna katin na raho
o mere SWAMI
darshan dikao mere antharyaami
mein na shabari SWAMI
mein na shabari
jisne kiya tera
saalo intezaar
dil mera pukaare tujhe
yuhin baar baar
dil mera pukaare tujhe
yuhin baar baar SWAMI
paap kiya kya bolo SWAMI
"Kumbakonam Venkataraman"
Fri, 17 Nov 2006 01:41:03 -0800 (PST)

Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Dear friends,
You would be happy to know that in the interest of
easier and wider reach, as directed by Sri Periyaval
of Sri Kanchi Kamakoti peetam, the English monthly
magazine Nitya Kalyan, dedicated to spreading
knowledge on Vedic Heritage, Devotional Literature,
True values of life, and Principles of Self Development
has become a free E-magazine from October 2006.
The magazine will be posted as a file before 20th of
every month in the yahoo group Nitya Kalyan (category:
Vedism). Interested persons may join the group and
have the advantage of Nitya Kalyan. Those who would
like the magazine to be sent to them as individual
E-mail may kindly write to K S Venkataraman.
With kind regards,
K S Venkataraman
Thu, 23 Nov 2006 11:17:27 +0530

I feel very excited to receive your emails on Sai
Magazine "The Glory of Shirdi Sai". It is indeed a
blessing from BABA to get associated with you all.
Shobha Venugopal

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