Friday, February 02, 2007

Satsang Gifts of Sri Sai Baba -Most Varied and Unique Pearls for Swans

Gifts of Sri Sai Baba
Most Varied and Unique Pearls for Swans
By Sri Narasimha Swamiji
We find ourselves awake at night, Disturbed about another's

plight. Not things that have, but things that might befall a
loved one, out of sight. We want to stretch protective arms, or
help by sounding out alarms, or even use some ancient charms
to obviate potential harms. Our efforts seem go for naught, and
worry doesn't help, we’re taught. It doesn't have the strength
it ought, to do the job our heart has sought. There is a way that

we many turn to seek the answers we should learn, and get the
strength for which we yearn, provide the cure for our concern.

"Newton's dog, his fellowmen and Newton all looked, at Nature
and saw apples fall. The first looked on and derived no benefit.
The second ran up and ate the fruits. Newton alone discovered
the Law of Gravitation which has served mankind, as a useful
theory or hypothesis to explain many facts of Nature.

All sorts of men and women have approached Sri Sai Baba. Some
have returned without any benefit. Some received much of
temporal goods with just a taste of the spiritual; others, higher
and higher spiritual goods. Every one received what he was fit
to receive. Baba, the Universal mother that he was, impartially
offered his gifts, nay, scattered them before his visitors; but
the crows picked up the offal and the swans, the pearls.

It was in accordance with the capacity, the receptivity and the
circumstances of each visitor due to his Karma Rinanubandha,

i.e., prenatal merits and ties, that Baba's gifts were effective; and
hence spiritual benefits received from him are of a very varied
description. Anything like an exhaustive statement of them
being impossible, we may content ourselves here with a set
or samples.
(to be contd...)
Source Saipadananda October 1992

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