Monday, November 05, 2007

Satsang Marthand [Mhalsapathy's son]

Marthand [Mhalsapathy’s son]

Mhalsapathy was the foremost and ardent, nay zealous devotee of Baba. He loved Baba so much that he spent most of his time with Him. One day Baba said “Arre Bhagat! Listen to My Fakhiree words [meaning the wisdom of this Fakirs words] which are always true. You have only daughters. Daughters are like tamarind fruit, but sons are like mangoes. You go home at night and you will get a son” In spite of this he did not want his sansar [family] to increase. Kashiram Shimpi however took him home and left him there. The next year on Janmasthami 1897 Marthand was born. Marthand grew to be a fine lad under the tutelage of Mhalsapathy, and Baba’s benevolent gaze [Life of Sai Baba Vol. 2].

Khaparde writes in his Shirdi Diary, in 1912 one day Baba flew into a ‘rage’. He threw the Aarati utensils, and Naivedya dishes, then He abused many devotee’s. The devotee’s ran helter skelter, and it was time for the Aarati. Marthand with great presence of mind prevented confusion. He directed the Aarati to take place and it finished properly. He was quite fearless as he grew up in the Dwarakamai; and was loved by Baba. At last the devotees performed the Aarati.

His father died on Ekadashi, 1922, saying “Spend your time properly in ‘Uttam Bhakti Marg’ and all that I told you will happen” Marthand was thus left to look after the family; and the Khandoba Mandir.

(Source Shri Sai Leela Magazine

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