Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA. by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swami ji

556. Om nulkarvijayanandhamahisan dhaththa sadhgathaye
who gave sadgati to (1) Tatya Sahib Noolker the Sub-Judge,

(2) Vijayanandaswami of Madras and (3) a she buffalo.
557. Om Nrusimha ganudasadhaththa -prachara-karma-

sadhanaya Namaha
who gave Das Ganu Maharaj and Narasimhaswami the

propaganda work (of spreading devotion to Sai Baba) as a
good sadhana for their spiritual welfare.

558. Om Naistika brahmacharyaya Namaha
who was a Naishtika Brahmachari i.e., perfect celebrate

observing it as a religious principle.

559. Om Naiskarmya parinistithaya Namaha
who was established in Naishkarmya i.e., doing work

without getting karmic bonds as a result.

560. Om Panadari pandurahgakyaya Namaha
who is the well-known Panduranga of Pandharpur.

561. Om Patelthathyaji mathulaya Namaha
who was regarded by Tatya Ganapati Patel Kothe

(his devoted servant) as his maternal uncle.

562. Om Pathithapavanaya Namaha
who raised and purified those who were fallen (by non

observance of Dharma etc).

563. Om Pathrigrama samudhbhavaya Namaha
who was born at Pathri.

564. Om Padavisrustagangambhase Namaha
who guarded his devotees.

565. Om Padhambuja nathavanaya Namaha
who had lotus-like eyes.

566. Om Parabrahma svarupine Namaha
who was of the nature of Para Brahman (God).

567. Om Parama karunalayaya Namaha
who was the abode of highest or perfect Mercy.

568. Om Parathathva pradhipaya Namaha
who was a great blaze radiating highest spiritual teachings.

569. Om Paramartha nivedhakaya Namaha
who taught the Supreme Wisdom (or goal of life).

570. Om Paramanandha nisyandhaya Namaha
who dripped Supreme Bliss.

(to be contd....)

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