Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swamij i

691. Om Bhagavathoththamaya Namaha
the best among devotees of God.

692. Om Bhatedhvesam samakrusya bhakthim thasmai
pradhathavathe Namaha
who removed hatred from the heart of (the Mamlatdar)

Bhate and gave him devotion in its place.

693. Om Bhillarupena dhaththambhase Namaha
who in the form of a Bhil gave water (to N.G. Chandorkar

on the waterless Harischandra Hill) to drink.

694. Om Bhikshannadhana sesabhuje Namaha
who begged his food, gave doles of food as charity,

and then ate what remained.

695. Om Bhikshadharma maharajaya Namaha
who was a great king (Maharaj) whose daily duty

included begging.

696. Om Bhiksvauga dhaththabhojanaya Namaha
who gave food to numerous beggars.

697. Om Bhimaji kshayapappagne Namaha
who destroyed the sins (karma) that produced Consumption

in Bhimaji.

698. Om Bhimabalanvithaya Namaha
who was as strong as Bhima.

699. Om Bhithanam bhithinasine
who removes the fears of the affrighted.

700. Om Bhisana bhisanaya Namaha
who terrifies the terrifiers.

701. Om Bhishachalitha suryagni magavanmruthyu
maruthaya Namaha
by fear of whose high command, the Sun, Fire, Indra, Death

and the Wind God (Vayu) were and are kept in constant
activity attending to their duties.

702. Om Bhukthi mukthi prathathre Namaha
who gave boons temporal, as also salvation.

703. Om Bhujagad rakshitha prajaya Namaha
who saved his devotees (like G.M.Buti, Mahlsapathy,

Mericar etc.) from serpents.

704. Om Bhujangarupamavisya sahasra jana pujithaya
who (at Coimbatore, etc.,) took the form of a serpent and

received the worship of thousands of people.

705. Om Bhukthva bhojanadhathrunam dagdha praguththarasubhaya
who when fed by people, destroyed their past and future evil Kama.

(to be contd....)

Source: http://www.saileelas.org/books/sahasra.htm

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