Friday, August 18, 2006

Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swamij i

721. Om Madhabhimana varjithay Namaha
who was free from Pride and self conceit.
722. Om Madhupanabhrusasakthim dhivya sakthya

vyapohakaya Namaha by whose divine power drunkenness
was cured.

723. Om Masudhyam thulasipujamagnihothram cha
sasakaya Namaha
who ordered the worship of Fire and the Tulasi in

his Masjid.

724. Om Mahavakya sudhamagnaya Namaha
who was immersed in the nectar of Mahavakyas
(e.g., Anal haq=Aham BrahmaAsmi, I am God).

725. Om Mahabhagavathaya Namaha
who was a great worhipper of God (Bhagavata).

726 Om Mahanubhava thejasvine Namaha
whose face shone with his extraordinary inner experiences.

727. Om Mahayogesvaraya Namaha
the Great Yogeswara (or Lord of Yoga).

728. Om Mahabhaya parithrathre Namaha
who saved (devotees) from the Great Fear (of Death

and Samsara).

729. Om Mahathmane Namaha
the great souled (Mahatma).

730. Om Mahabhalaya Namaha
who had great strength.

731. Om Madhavaraya dhespande sakyu: sahayyakruthe
who helped his constant attendant and companion

(Shyama) Madhava Rao Deshpande.

732. Om Manapamanayosthulyaya Namaha
who maintained his equanimity whether honoured

or dishonoured.

733. Om Margabhandhave Namaha
who helped one while travelling.

734. Om Maruthaye Namaha
Who is Maruti, or God of Winds.

735 Om Mayamanusarupena gudaisvaryaparathparaya
whose being the Supreme was concealed behind an

Unreal (mayavic) human form.


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