Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swamij i

916. Om Samudrasamagambhiryaya Namaha
who is as profound and magnanimous as the ocean

917. Om Sankalpa rahithaya Namaha
who has no desires or objects.

918. Om Samsarathapa haryahgraye Namaha
who relieves people from the sufferings of Samsara.

919. Om Samsara varjithaya Namaha
who has no Samsara.

920. Om Samsaroththara namne Namaha
whose name ferries people across Samsara.

921. Om Sarojadhala komalaya Namaha
whose body was soft as lotus petals.

922. Om Sarpadhi bhayaharine Namaha
who removes the fear and obviates dangers from

serpents etc.

923. Om Sarparupepyavasthithaya Namaha
who is immanent even in the bodies of serpents.

924. Om Sarva karmaphalathyagine Namaha
who renounces the fruit of all his deeds (to God).

925. Om Sarvathra samavasthithaya Namaha
who is (immanent) in everything, everywhere.

926. Om Sarvathah panipadhaya Namaha
who has hands and feet everywhere.

927. Om Sarvathokshisiromukaya Namaha
who has eyes and head everywhere.

928 Om Sarvatha: sruthimanmurthaye Namaha
whose form has ears everywhere.

929. Om Sarvamavruthya samsthithaya Namaha
who stands enveloping all.

930. Om Sarvadharma samathrathre Namaha
who protects (men of) all creeds equally.

Source: http://www.saileelas.org/books/sahasra.htm

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