Friday, September 15, 2006

Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swamij i

931. Om Sarva dharma supujithaya Namaha
who is worshipped by men of all creeds.

932. Om Sarvadharman parithyajya gurvisam saranam
gathaya Namaha
who cast aside ideas of observances according to

numerous Sastraic injunctions and sought refuge at
the feet of his Guru (whom he identified with God).

933. Om Sarvadhi sakshibhuthaya Namaha
who was the spectator or witness in the hearts of all.

934. Om Sarvanamabhi suchithaya Namaha
who is that which is denoted by all names.

935. Om Sarva bhuthantharathmane Namaha
who is the (inward) soul of all creatures.

936. Om Sarva bhuthasayasthithaya Namaha
who is in the hearts of all creatures.

937. Om Sarvabhuthadhi vasaya Namaha
who is the indweller in all beings.

938. Om Sarvabhutha hitherathaya Namaha
who is interested in promoting the welfare of all beings.

939. Om Sarvabhuthathma bhuthathmane Namaha
who had identified his soul with that of all beings.

940. Om Sarvabhutha suhrudhe Namaha
who is the friend of all creatures.

941. Om Sarvabhuthanisonnidhraya Namaha
who keeps vigilant guard and is awake in that which

is darkness or night to all creatures.

942. Om Sarvabhutha samadhruthaya Namaha
who pays equal regard to all creatures.

943. Om Sarvajnaya Namaha
who is aware of all things (being Pure Consicousness).

944. Om Sarvavidhe Namaha
who knows everything.

945. Om Sarvasmai Namaha
Who is all.


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