Monday, October 09, 2006

Satsang Mahasamadhi Message

(Message delivered by Pujya Narasimha Swami ji and
printed in Sai Sudha Magazine)

I am addressing you once more on the occasion of Sri Sai's
Mahasamadhi day. I begin naturally with gratitude to Sri
Sai for prolonging the life of this body and endowing it with
sufficient health and energy for continuing His service and
attending to the movement.

My next duty is to thank you all for the interest you have all
shown in Baba's Bhakti and service. Faith, intense faith in
Sri Sai with oftentimes manifestations of the power of that
faith, forms one of the easiest means of our performing the
duty we owe to Baba and to humanity.
Our self-interest in the lower and the higher sense alike
prods us to develop that same faith. The manifestations
referred to above may occur only in very few and rare
cases, i.e., in those whose psychic powers have been
developed to the extent of helping them to put forward
correct predictions, to heal ailments, physical and mental,
and to do other notable work in the name of Baba. These
form striking evidence of Sai's favours and are highly
prized. We shall all be grateful for such powers, alike
when manifested in ourselves or in others, yet at the
same time as there are confused and conflicting notions
as to their causation and significance, their value and
utility, a few words may be added here immediately for
the guidance of the vast masses of Sal devotees.

Great respect is undoubtedly to be shown to a Devotees
in whom such manifestations have appeared, especially
for the selfless service for which they are utilised. In fact,
this ought to lead to emulation, to lead many a devotee
to develop the intensity of faith in himself to the extent
necessary for such yogic manifestations to appear,

provided that health, age and other circumstances
facilitate or render possible such manifestations. In
persons debilitated by age, disease or other similar
circumstances, intensity of devotion may be accompanied
by serious results affecting health, sanity and even life.
It is therefore advisable for such emulating devotees to
seek the aid and counsel of Gurus and other competent
persons before and after undertaking such a task.

But let no one mistake such manifestations or the intensity
which is their cause to be the be-all or end-all of our
spiritual endeavour. These yogi manifestations are
sometimes very puzzling and sometimes appear where
marked or any spirituality is absent. But when all is said
and done, it is certainly better to have faith, especially
faith marked by such manifestations. It is a noble
ambition to reach even this height. In has its dangers in
case it is misunderstood, especially by the person who
has these manifestations.

It is hoped that one and all of you would bestir yourselves
to develop greater and greater faith in Baba and put
forward greater efforts to serve humanity especially in the
form of Sai Devotees in ways open to all —ways that
benefit our fellow creatures in numerous directions and
numerous walks of life. To give only some instances of
such ways, here it may be pointed out that those who
compose brilliant songs on Baba or record them through
Gramaphone records or produce excellent, faithful and

inspiring Sai Dramas or Sai Biographies are no wit
inferior to other Sai Bhaktas. But it is not everyone that
has such gifts. Another instance or way may be pointed

Help in such public causes as the Building of an All India
Sai Mandir is another way. It has indeed been commenced
at Mylapore, But owing to lack of workers, the construction
has practically stopped many months back; and the walls
are still standing only 9' high; and over ten or twenty
thousand rupees would be needed before the building can
be completed even on a humble scale. Those who are
really anxious to serve the Sai Movement and care to
help it on, can either give suitable gifts themselves, or

induce public-spirited and liberal gentlemen and ladies to
do the same. This article and appeal may well be closed
with the prayer that Sri Sai Baba may guide and help all
his children with his wisdom and grace to lead happy and
useful lives and be become lights unto others illustrating

the marvelous benefits of Sai faith.

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