Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Satsang Mahasamadhi Message

(Message delivered by Pujya Narasimha Swami ji and
printed in Sai Sudha Magazine)

What is termed Death in the case of ordinary people is
termed 'MAHASAMADHI in the case of Parama Jnanis
and Parama Bhaktas like Sri Sai Nath Maharaj. The
change in terminology is essential to prevent people to
attach association of death of an ordinary individual to
the parting of Saints from their body. In the case of
ordinary people death is a thing to fear and undesirable
termination of the known enjoyments of life and
transition to an Unknow State (that undiscovered
country from whose bourn no traveller returns). To the
Parama Jnani and a Great Samartha like Sri Sai Nath
Maharaj, the State beyond the border is just as clear
as the present State and has nothing to cause fear
and can also be so regulated as to carry out the
further stages of One's Mission in Life. To many a
Jnani or Bhakta that state is sought as one continuous,
uniform, homogeneous stale in contact with Divinity

and is often referred to as Vaikuntam, Kaivalyam,
Mukti, etc.

Vaikunte in Pare Loke
Scriya Sardham Jagat Patih
Aste Vishnuh Ameyatma
Bhaktir Bhagawatir Sah

(i.e.) In that Supreme Heaven, Vaikunta, the World's
Lord, Vishnu, The Immeasurable, The Infinite remains
with His Consort along with his Bhaktas and

The Bhaktas are those who rejoice in the company of
the Lord. The Bhagavatas are those who proclaim and
broadcast the glories of the Lord unto all. The Mukta
Stage is a Nirguna one quite in contrast with the
Saguna Stage. To the Mukta or the Liberated, individual
personality attains Laya in Supreme Personality,
Paramatma, and there can be no unhappiness or change
there. Thus the Mahasaraadhi of the Pararaa Jnani or the
Parama Bhakta is a Blissful State, the reaching of God -
'Allah Milnar”, and thus the term 'Mahasamadhi' with its
happy association is used to denote what happens to
such Parama Jnani or Parama Bhakta like Sri Sai Nath

and not the term 'death1. In fact there is really no change
in them at all. Sri G. G. Narke giving his statement in
1936 said,—
"Baba is now in the State in which
he was when in the flesh, and when
he was in the flesh he was in the
State in which he is now"

Thus the first great truth that Baba's devotees should
think of on the occasion of Baba's Samadhi Anniversary
is the above stated fact that there is no change in Baba.
This has been stated by Krishna about all souls and is
realized by a Parama Bhakta and Parama Jnani like
Sai Baba; viz.,

Natve Vaham Jatu Nasam
Natvam Name Janadipah
Na chaiva Na Bhavishyamah
Sarve Vayam Atah Param.

i.e. there was never a time when I was not, when you
were not, when others (these rulers) were not nor shall
we cease to be hence forward in the future.

Dehinosmin Yata Dehe
Kaumaram Yauvanam Jara
Tata Dehantara Praptih
Dheeras Tatra Na Muhyati

i.e. for the embodied Jeeva, as there are stages of
infancy, adult age and old age, so also beyond that
is the attainment of a new body, the wise and
courageous man is not confounded and falters not
at that.

How Baba spent the closing portion of His life is
known to all his devotees. He went on with His
usual devotees, protecting them everywhere and
giving not money as usual or as special gifts and
passed away from the fleshy life to the life beyond
the border, calm and collected and thereby set an
example to all wise people to follow. HE
CONTINUES TO EXIST but in an unseen state. That
does not mean that His activities for the benefit of
devotees, that is either the devotees already existent
before Duserah. 1918, or those becoming devotees
thereafter, ceased or cease, Unfortunately several
misunderstood His passing away as a total loss of
His Presence and Sai Nath had to correct that
impression. Bapu Saheb Jog, who was daily
performing His pooja, thought that Baba was dead
and that no Arti was necessary. So Baba appeared
to Laxman and told him the wrong impression of
Jog and directed him to go to Dwarakama where
Baba's body was lying and to do Arati. Accordingly
Laxman did the Arati before the body o Baba before
it was interred. Baba had given several hints about
His passing away which were recalled only after
His Samadhi. Chota Khan says, 'Baba said "Turbaie
Hun Dande Hanin" (which means "From my tomb I
shall be active"). Baba also assured Mrs. Tarkhad
Damodar Rasne, Uddav Bua and others that after
Mahasamadhi no one was to fear. Each one of

them feared that after the passing away of Baba
they would be left without help. Baba assured them
that wherever they might be they had only to think

of Baba, and He would be there with them to help
them. Innumerable devotees have found this to be
a fact from their own experience. In fact from Gita
declaration of Sri Krishna and Baba's own declaration;

it could not be otherwise.
As Sri S. B. Dhumal states and other devout bhaktas


"Where is Baba gone? He is still existing and helping
(even after Mahasamadhi)".

One that goes through Baba's Charters and Sayings,
and the Devotees' Experiences published in Sai Leela,
Masik, Sai Sudha, Sai Satcharita and other books
Sri Sai will be thoroughly impressed with the perfect
truth of the above. Sri M. B. Rege in his preface to The
Gospel of Sri Sai Baba, expresses this most tersely;
'BABA IS GOD; to me HE IS NOT GONE," and
innumerable people who make up their minds to trust
these statements and adopt Sai Pooja, Sai Bajan and
Sai Dyana etc., will have the perfect peace and perfect
protection that Sri Sai gives now as he has always given.
It is not necessary to dwell upon the matter any further
especially to readers who might have read the three
years' Mahasamadhi messages. It is appropriate to
close this message with Baba's own message given

on the morning of 23-8-54, in person, after he appeared
(Sakshatkara) to an Ahmedabad Lawyer, Sri Champak-lal
Chimanlal Mankewala in the following words:—

"Write to Sri Narasimhaswami that I (Baba) am always
present before my Bhaktas. I will be the guiding and all
- pervading power that shapes the ends of the devotees
and even of the Universe."
This is the great and most precious truth that any devotee

can care to have. Let every devotee ever remember this
and get on. He will prosper by constant remembrance
and protection of Baba.

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