Thursday, December 21, 2006


The following experience has been narrated by Shri

Dajisaheb Awasthi of Pune which was published by
SABARI ASHRAM of Jhalod, Gujarat in their publication
"SHRI SAI BABA of Shirdi" in Gujarati. The under

mentioned extract has been translated in English and
is best described in Shri Awasthi's own words as under :-
"I was an advocate at Pune. When I was 28 in 1897, I

was introduced to a saint of a very high spiritual order.
The saint emphasised the existence of God and validated
the mantras being chanted for various Divinities of
GODHEAD. To me, the saint said, "Chant "Om Namo
Shivaya". He also predicted that the chanting of this
mantra of LORD SHIVA would have its remarkable
effects after 16 years.I commenced chanting this mantra.

I visited Pandharpur in 1910 where another saint whom I
met advised me to go to Shirdi and take SHRI SAI's
darshan and said that PANDHARINATH LORD VITHOBA
is there in the form of SHRI SAI. But, as fate would have
it, I was unable to visit Shirdi for three years.

In 1913,I finally made it to Shirdi and the moment I
climbed up the steps of the Dwarkamayi, I beheld the
form of LORD SHIVA in place of SAI BABA. Overcome
with emotion, I immediately prostrated at HIS feet when
seconds later as I looked up once again I saw SHRI SAI
as usual, BABA blessed me and said, "Allah Malik Hai"
and told me to stay at Radhakrishna Ayi's house.
Radhakrishna Ayi's devotion to the LORD was so deep

and sincere that I revered her and treated her as my divine
Mother and she reciprocated by her motherly care and
affection towards me. After staying a few days, I left
Shirdi for Pune but could not forget BABA and Ayi. For
four years thereafter, I regularly worshipped them in my
house. One day as I completed my puja, the room was
suddenly filled with a wonderful rose fragrance for at least
an hour after which it subsided. Unable to solve the
mystery about this strange phenomenon, I made
enquiries around my house but in vain. Three or four
days after this incident, I received a letter from Abdul
Bhai and Wamanrao Patel (Swami SAI SHARANANAND)
from Shirdi that Ayi had passed away, the date and time

of which perfectly coincided with the rose fragrance that
filled my room.

A few months after this episode, I visited Shirdi again on
Akshay Tritiya 1918 accompanied by my wife. After taking
BABA's darshan, I put up at Ayi's house on BABA's
instruction. My wife began to make preparations for
BABA's Naivedya but try as she would, she could not
light the charcoal stove. Wondering what to do, she was
astonished to see Radhakrishna Ayi descend down the
stairs from the attic and helped her in lighting the stove
and also in assisting her for preparing naivedya . That
done, Ayi climbed back to the attic. At noon, when my
wife waited for Ayi to come down and join us for
meals, she did not and thinking that she may be engaged

in some work, my wife personally went up to call her but
found the attic locked. Rather puzzled, she hurried down
and made inquiries with two or three neighbours from
whom she learnt that Ayi had attained samadhi a few
months ago. She was shocked with disbelief.

The veil of Maya was so strong that my wife failed to
recollect that Ayi was no more and that a letter in this
regard had also been received by us from Shirdi.

If devotees of Baba like Ayi who were blessed by HIM
could be so powerful as to appear even after shedding
their mortal coil and render timely assistance to HIS
devotees, what to talk of SHRI SAMARTH SAINATH
who was Parabrahma Incarnate. Can anyone fathom
HIS powers and leelas?

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