Monday, December 18, 2006

Satsang SRI SAI BABA - Method of Instruction by B.V.Narasimha Swami

Baba's Method of Instruction
by Sri B. V. Narasimhaswami

Before proceeding to deal with Baba's method of
instruction, it is just as well to remind readers that the
role of the Samartha Sadguru, which Baba took on
Himself, was not the narrow one which teachers even
of divinity ordinarily take upon themselves. People
dealing with Baba dealt with Him as the All-Mother,
the All-Provider and their All-in-all, Said Krishna.
"Pitaha masya Jagatah Mata Dhata Prtamahah:*

And accordingly the devotees assume Baba in their
daily address to Him that He is their Mother, Father,
Krishna, Friend, Wisdom, Wealth,-their everything.

Twameva Mata Pita twameva
Twameva Bandhu Sakha twameva
Twameva Vidya Dyavinam twameva
Twameva sarvam mama Devadeva

To the devotees, Baba was not a mere human Guru.
He was God incarnate. In fact many of them had no
other conception of God except their idea of Baba.
And Baba developed this faith in them to enable
them vividly to realise God and their own self to the
fullest extent, in accordance with the last stanza
in "Swetaswatara Upanishad".
Yasya deve Para Bhaktih
Yatha deve thatha Gurow
Tasyaithe Kathithayartha prakasanihe mahatmanah

Naturally every word, every gesture, and every pose
of Baba and all acts and omissions of his -especially
his chamatkaras, i.e., his wonderful feats, were full
of instruction and educative value to them. His very
image in their hearts was the most powerful means
for their being raised higher and higher, till they
should attain equality, nay identity with him. This
course would ordinarily cover numerous janmas or
birth. But, as Baba assured many, there is no reason
whatever why each of them, or at least many of them,
should not endeavour to attain perfection even in this
single life.

Baba's method of dealing with individuals varied with
their capacity or the stage which they had reached,
as the influence He exerted was to raise them to the
next immediate higher stage, curing defects present
and calling for immediate attention, and the advice
and help given to one would be found to be totally
different from, nay, some times even inconsistent
with, that given to another. That is why the Rao
Bahadur S..B. Dhumal told the District Magistrate
who inquired what Baba's teachings were, that he
(the Magistrate) should himself go in person to
Baba and learn the same.
That Dharma Paramam mama

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