Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Satsang Bhakta Leela Amrut by Das Ganu Maharaj

A clerk kills his master and takes his place. This also is not a part of his destiny. Then, the crook, on becoming the master enjoys his wealth, moves about in cars, carts and on horse backs and says that he has become happy. He has, infact, sinned by betraying his master. This Karma is added on to his existing Karma. This will cause his rebirth. Wise people understand this, foolish ones can not. His position as a clerk, which he had earned due to his past Karma also remains as a balance for the next birth. Thus, he prepares himself for the next birth. How-can such a person avoid the cycle of birth and death? Death occurs on consumption of poison. This is not destiny. It is the fruit of one's deed.
You see a number of graduates hold high positions, some go around the world and simply deliver lectures, some become Yogis, some run shops whereas some teach children in schools. All the above graduates have taken same efforts but they follow different professions. You will now, understand that this difference is due to their destiny and is not the fruit of their efforts. Listening to this, Chandorkar said 'Stealing makes one a thief and we say it is the fruit of his deeds'. Is it (profession) not his destiny?
Listen to Baba's reply to the query of the loving devotee. He said, Oh gentle Narayan, You are stretching your imagination and asking me silly questions. There are a number of real thieves but they are acquitted as there isn't any substantial proof against them. This is their destiny. One thief you find locked up in the jail whereas another is moving about free as a gentleman. Both are responsible for similar deeds but one is locked up and the other is free. Thus, the destiny has nothing to do with what the individuals do. However, the sin of the free moving thief will not go unpunished. This will be the cause for his next birth. I therefore, have to tell you to follow the ethical ways while accepting your destiny.
(To be contd...) Source http://www.saileelas.org/books/4chap.htm


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