Monday, April 17, 2006

Satsang Chapter 22 :Sri_Sai_Sat_Charitra_Concise(Version)

Om Shree Ganeshaya Namah
Om Sai Ram
Chapter 22:::
Protection from snakes
*On the way to Chitale, Bala Saheb Mirirkar came for Baba's darshan. Baba
told him thus: "Do you know our Dwaraka Mayi. This is our Dwaraka Mayi.
She prevents all dangers and sorrows for those children who sit on her lap.
This Dwaraka Mayi is extremely kind. She saves her devotees from great
dangers. Once a person sits on her lap all his troubles and sorrows
come to an end." Then after giving udhi He added: "Do you know the
(aniba hhava (he made gesture like hooded cobra}"! How cruel he is! But
what can he do when Dwaraka Mayi is there to protect?'
That night when Mirirkar was sitting in the Maruti temple at Chitale, a
snake climbed the angavastra spread on his lap and moved ahead.
It was immediately killed and thus Dwaraka Mayi Sai saved Mirirkar.
*One day an astrologer told Buty that the day was very inauspicious for
his life. When a rattled Buty came to masjid Baba told him 'Let us see
how death comes near you'. That evening when Buty went to answer
nature's call a snake neared him but in time it retreated and escaped.
*Amir Shakkar who came for cure from rheumatism stayed in
Chavadi on the directions of Baba. One night when Baba also was
sleeping there, He shouted'Oh Abdul. A ghost is dashing on my bed'
and struck his chatka on the floor. When Abdul came with light he
saw a snake coiled near Amir's bed and it was at once killed.
Thus Baba saved Amir.
*0ne night Hemad Panth, after witnessing an encounter with a snake
in his room in Dhikxit wada in which it escaped, had a heated
discussion when he insisted that snakes should he killed. The
other man differed. Next day when they came to masjid Baba
said: 'God lives in all lives. He is the great puppeteer of
the world. Unless He decides no body and nothing can harm
a person. God is the sole protector of all.'


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