Thursday, April 20, 2006


MYSTERY OF BIRTH 1. Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi helps those who help themselves with faith in HIM independently surrender, dedicate and meditate on HIM with purified devotion.
2. Every one knows that a man or woman, born or dropped into this universe, is from an atom of Brahman, the GREATER. But what for ? You should know it is only to think of HIM, meditate on HIM and surrender to HIM with purified devotion, so that you can go back to HIM. Yes, to go back and rejoin HIM is the purpose for which you have come into this mundane world. To pray HIM and reach HIM back, you should pray. To pray, you should possess sufficient physical energy, strength and concentration to meditate and dedicate and thus surrender at HIS LOTUS FEET. To obtain this strength, you should eat but not live to eat. To eat you should have food and to get food you should earn. To earn you should toil hard honestly.
3. Thus you have been given a test in the world to see how far you are firm and faithful to Brahman, and to see how you stand the vigour of test-an acid test - indeed and how you can attain the goal by vanishing or killing temptation for material benefit without any attachment to the mundane objects. That is the cause of your birth but not to forget this purpose and get lost in the mundane world, manifest with the illusion shadowing around with a veil, challenging you with all wicked forces dragging and drifting you away from good. Thus make a victim of situation, circumstances and environments in the filthy atmosphere for worldly desires of amassing illgottom wealth. Power, pomp, false glory and lust with an ego, which is transient are mainfest in man.
4. Man least realises, though he is endowed with the power of realisation and discretion that the mundane objects and acquirements are illusion and that the body decays and dies (the Atom leaves) or the Atom casts off its Kavacba or covering and takes a new form or creation according to its past Karma. Your possessions and your self perish but not the INNER SOUL, THE ATHMAN, which is ever glowing Sacred, sublime and supreme light, since the Athman is from Brahman, which is ever existing and never ending; and so, the Athman seeks to go back and join the Brahman, when its mission is finally over in the world. Like the water of the sacred rivers, where much of impurity is mixed, but their water remains pure.
To be continuted...... (Source Sai Leela Magazine December 1976)

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