Monday, April 10, 2006

Satsang Faith and Patience are the two Paths to Reach God Sai Bab a

Faith and Patience are the two Paths to Reach God Sai Baba

Sai Baba, the sage of Shirdi, has been pouring out his divine love and
blessings to thousands and hundreds of thousands since 1845. The unending
stream of devotees at Shirdi day in and day out is but a manifestation of
divine Love, Compassion and Pitv. Sai Baba is the most powerfull sage, who
bears all the burdens of humanity.

Like all great teachers Sai Baba has rightly been claimed as the Mother of
all virtues. Baba often told his devotees ''Your servant's servant l am. lam
your debtor". I am purified by your darshan. It is a great grace on your
part to have given Me the sight of your feet".
Lord Sai Baba often preached that the attitude of "I" and "Mine'' are the
result of ignorance. The right attitude born of knowledge is that God is the
Master and that all things belongs to Him - Once Rama asked Hanuman "How do
you like on me? Hanuman replied. "0 Rama, as long as I have the feeling of
"I", I see that you are the whole and I am a part, you are the Master and I
am you". Thus the first step in the life of a devotee is humility.

Self surrender marks the next step of a devotee. A devotee has to surrender
to God himself wholly and exclusively, including his five senses-Then he
becomes a personal servant of God. The entire responsibility for his
Maintenance and protection is taken up by the Lord. In BHAQVAD GlTA Lord
Kriehna said

"0 Arjuna. take refuge in Me. I shall deliver you from all sins". Lord Sai
Baba also said, "Cast all your burdens on Me and I shall bear them',. Also
as preached by Lord Krishna to Arjuna, Baba also said, "Do your duty and
leave the rest to me" Because once the devotee becomes free from sin and
misery, as all his actions are performed as divine duty without a thought
for the result. Let all the works be God's works all the thoughts, words and
deeds are centered in God. Everyone should see God in every thing and every
thing in God, loves all beings in the universe as manifestation of God.
Thus, the natural results of this self surrender are intense devotion
towards God and love towards all beings in the universe, such a devotee has
no disappointments in life and has no fear of death.

BABA often used to say that once a person has faith in God, he has achieved
everything. There is nothing greater than faith. The devotee's heart is full
of virtues like forgiveness, spirit of non-violence, Compassion and love.
Thus, these are the virtues of the hero and the characteristic of a true
devotee is a courageous patience or Saburi as Sai Baba has put it. Sainath
said "surrender yourself completely your body and soul to God.'' One, who
has abundant faith (Nishta) and courageous patience (Saburi), will achieve
anything what they want through the attainment of God Sai Baba

Hence, Faith, Patience and Love are the ways to fulfill our Material goals
as well as to reach 'Moksha'

(As appeared in the Dwarakamayi Magazine Published from Hyderabad August


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