Monday, April 24, 2006


5. What is the mistery behind the man's birth - everyone knows, but no one
realises - just imagine that out of a drop of Dhatu Bindnu, a liquid fluid
drop - a figure is carved out of a human feminine body as also other
creatures in the universe with different shapes, description - all but a
mass of flesh with bones and nerves, suiting different climates, food and
conditions in water, land and air. The figure of a man is shaped and set
with different organs, each to function its duty independently with nine
outlets. Each organ is endowed with separate exclusive power to function on
its own without any inter-linking or inter-dependence between them. What
one organ does, the other cannot. They are of course connected to each
other by instinct to one central box - the brain, which is endowed with the
power of thinking, discriminating and directing.
6. Who on earth can tell, may not even the latest advanced modern Scientist,
with all his exhaustive research for space and atom, what this miracle is.
Take the organ "THE EYE" which is also out of the same dhatu bindhu - has
the power to see - only good things - but not bad ones-so is the case with
every other organ.
7. Could the modern advanced Scientist, a Research Scholar, a Moon goer or
an atom blaster make a human form with the functioning of the organ from any
other material, chemical liquid or fluids? He must be first born, created
by God and by accident of birth as ordained by the Lord, man can then become
a Scientist and carry on research on the Moon, Star or any planet or even go
nearer to Sun, blast an atom or a Hydrogen bomb and destroy the world, but
can he win God? Become God himself? That is the divine Supreme and
super-power the creator - the Brahman - a mystery - since one cannot see or
know where and how it is.
8. A man of flesh developed into a body with bones, nerves, lungs, heart
etc. etc. with joints to facilitate movement as desired and this structure
covered to shape the body with skin with no fire or grinder inside; but the
food, solid or liquid, you take is ground and some part of it is changed
into blood and marrow, to give strength to the body and thus automatically
pump it with its own mysterious God made mechanism - a wonder - but once it
stops functioning no one can revive it and that is the end of a human being.
Even the body does not retain any excess food but rejects the same as
excreta and water (urine).

To be continuted......
(Source Sai Leela Magazine December 1976)


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