Friday, April 28, 2006

Satsang SHREE SANT KATHAMRUT by Das Ganu Maharaj

Nana folded his hands and prayed, 'Baba, I have some
difficulty in understanding, here. You said the Bramhan is
devoid of pain and it envelopes everything. It is blissful too.
My Mother, you said everything contains this Bramhan. I,
however, find that the world is full of miseries and pain. It is
also infinite. I do not see any properties of Chaitanya in it.
How can a born-blind see beauty? How can Real Chaitanya
live in an illusory thing? If the Soul itself is the life force, then
its unity does not exist at all because there are many souls.
The pleasure and pain of one soul do not affect others. How
can we? Then say that all of them contain the same
Chaitanya? Since the bodies are different I feel that the souls
are also different."

Baba said, Nana,you make a mistake, here. Now listen
to me with full concentration. If we mix red, white, black,
yellow, blue, green, violet and crimson colours separately
with water and keep these mixtures in different glasses, can
the water be different? It gets red colour with red and yellow
with yellow. If we separate the colour from the mixture, the
colour of the water will not be visible again. In the same
manner, after the union of the soul with heart, experience of
miseries and pain are caused. Bodies of the animals are
different but there is no difference in their souls. All of them
have the same soul. Pleasure and pain are the properties of
the heart (body). The body, however, is necessary for the
soul. Understand this, My Child.

Now, I will analyze this topic so that you will understand
it well. My child Narayan, the Chaitanya has three qualities.
They are spiritual (Parmarthic), customary (Vyavaharic) and
illusory (pratibhasic). They are similar to the three states of the
body viz. childhood, youth and old age. The souls who have
reached the state of spiritualism are considered as holymen.
Those who understand the difference between the right and
the wrong and follow" the Shastras are called customary.
Those who consider illusion as the truth are called illusory.
They are covered with nescience, Nana.

(To be contd...)


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