Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Satsang 'Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi -A God!' by Bapatla Hanumanth Rao Garu

* Das Ganu Maharaj says, "Baba is the primordial cause of the
entire universe. He is the pure inner self enveloped with, compassion
and love. He is the Absolute Brahman in human form'. He is the
embodiment of compassion and love. He, removes at once removes
all the difficulties of his devotees.
He is the abode of eternal bliss. Oh, God I pray to you in all humility."
* Hemadri Panth (Anna saheb Dabholkar) considered Baba a holy saint

and served him; but finally came to the conclusion that Baba was God
only - (Parabrahma).
* The residents of Shirdi, Madharao Desh Pande (Shyama), a close

associate of Baba and many others, called Baba as Deva (God).
Baba's existence still prevails even after his Mabasamadhi (in 1918.)

Sai Baba is everywhere controlling, directing, guiding, and protecting
all his devotees with vigilance and care. He bestows on them peace
and tranquility. The seers and saints propounded the theories on the
incarnations of God in the Upanishads. Bruhadaranyaka, Chandogya,
Kata and Swetaswatara Upanishads say: "God's, pervasiveness is
always seen in the animate and inanimate things. in this universe and
He lies in the 'Inner Self, as the controller and protector". Sai Baba is
the ideal example of this truth. [Yemme Ninnupekshintuna' (What! Do
I ignore you?), a book written by the author (in Telugu), describes in
detail the varied experiences of several devotees which bears
testimony to the above facts.
Today devotion to Sai Baba has gained importance among millions

of people all over the world. 'Saijyothi' (Light of Sai) is illuminating in
all directions and removing the darkness in the minds of the people.
Can we afford to ignore it? Sai's devotion has become the life force -
the vital force enlightening force - to many It awakens the minds and
guides them in the proper direction to reach their objective. His force
continues to work whether any one accepts it or not. That is God's
will. A person who has the good fortune of performing noble deeds in
his past births will make the best use of the opportunity provided to
him and will attain Salvation (Mukti). He will rejuvenate the society
and make it a better place to live.

To be contd....
(Source :

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