Monday, July 10, 2006

Satsang Chapter 31 :Sri_Sai_Sat_Charitra_Concise(Version)

Om Shree Ganeshaya Namah
Om Sai Ram
Chapter 31 :::
Abhaya at the time of death

Lord Krishna says that the thought that one entertains at the moment

of death shapes his after life state. Our omnnscient Baba will guide
his devotees appropriately when their hour for depature comes.

*On his way to the pilgrimage of Mansarovar, Saint Vijyananda from

Madras came to Shirdi. There, on hearing from Somadev Swamy the
various hurdles on the Himalayan route to Mansarovar, he abandonned
his planned trip.When he came for Baba's darshan He shouted: " Kick
this good for nothing sanyasi out! His association is fruitless." The
saint anyway stayed back. When he got a letter from Madras that his
mother's condition was serious, he came to baba seeking permission
to leave Shirdi. Baba who knew the past and future of all said thus:
" Why did you take to sanyas if you have such strong attachment to
your mother? Your past store of good deeds are immense and hence
you came here. There are lots of theives in the Wada.You are to be
their first prey. Be alert.

"Perform three saptah of the Srimad Bhagwatam . You will get peace."
The saint took up saptah (reading in 7 days) of Bhagwatam. He
completed two rounds. During the course of the third saptah he laid
his head on the lap of Bade Baba and breathed his last.
*Baba advised Balaram Mangar to go to Machendra Ghat and practice

meditation.Mangar felt that Baba was banishing him from Shirdi. One
day Baba appeared in flesh and blood before Mangar at Machendra
Ghat and said : " You think that I am in Shirdi alone. Now find out
yourself whether I am just a man of three and a half cubits." So saying
He vanished in to thin air. Later when Mangar was desperate to get
rail ticket from Pune to Dadar, a nomad wearing only a loincloth came
to him unsolicited , gave a ticket to Dadar and without taking money
vanished. Who could be that nomad except Baba? *Noolkar, Magistrate
of Pandharpur vowed himself that he would go to Baba's darshan only
whe he got a good brahmin cook and nice Nagpur oranges to be
offered to Baba. That very night a cook came to him and also a basket
full of Nagpur oranges. The sender of the oranges remained mysterious.
Till his end , Noolkar remained at Shirdi. When his hour came, vedas
were recited and holy water used for washing Baba's feet was poured
in to his mouth.
*Seven days before the mahasamadhi of Baba ,an ailing tiger was
brought up the steps of masjid to the holy presence of Baba. Baba
looked at his eyes and the tiger swilled its tail, struck the floor thrice
with that and breathed his last instantly.
By A.Govindakrishnan

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