Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Satsang TARKHAD FAMILY by Lt.Col.M.B.Nimbalkar

Now this incident was seen by a villager, and he suspected
that Baba was trying to give something valuable to Jyotindra
out of the ditch. So in the darkness of the night he went to
the place with a pick-axe and dug the hole again. With great
eagerness he placed his hand in the ditch and started looking
into it. And lo! To his misfortune a big scorpion stung him
severely. The villager threw the pick-axe there and ran back

shouting in pain. Next morning also the poison did not subside.
So he went to the Masjid and bowing down to Baba prayed for
relief. Baba applied udi and the pain subsided immediately.
Then Baba said, "You fool! Laxmi comes only to those who
deserve it."

During Baba's life-time, Jyotindra used to visit Shirdi quite often.
Two incidents narrated in Shri Sai Satcharita. Jyotindra had seen
with his own eyes and his descriptions of the same are worth
hearing. As mentioned in Ch. XI, when in Shirdi, there was a
terrible storm, the winds began to blow forcibly, the clouds began
to roar loudly, the lightning began to flash incessantly and the
rains began to descend in torrents, Jyotindra was present. At
that time to protect the villagers and the cattle gathered there,
Baba standing on the edge of the Masjid, shouted repeatedly
at the storm in loud and thunderous voice to subside and be
calm. Jyotindra had heard these shouts and he says that
everytime Baba's shouts were louder than those of the clouds.
It was a battle between two great powers and ultimately Baba's
power won. In few minutes the rains subsided, the winds
ceased to blow and the storm came to a stop.

(to be contd...)
Lt. Col. M. B, Nimbalkar, Pune.
(Source :http://saileelas.org/articles/nimbalkar/tarkhad.htm (Shri Sai Leela
September October 1991)

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