Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA. by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swami ji

181. Om Isavasyartha suchakaya Namaha
who explained Isavasya Upanishad.

182. Om Uccharanadhruthe bhakthahrudhantha
upadesakaya Namaha
who gave Upadesa to the heart of the devotees

without uttering any words.

183. Om Uththama prema margine Namaha
whose Marga is the Supreme Path of Love (Prema).

184. Om Uththamoththara karmakruthe Namaha
whose activities were for the excellent purpose of

amelioration or elevation.

185. Om Udhasma vadhasinaya Namaha
who is quiescent, as through he is indifferent.

186. Om Uddharamithyudirakaya Namaha
who says "I shall raise (you)."

187. Om Uddhavaya mayaproktham Bhagavathamithi
bruvathe Namaha
who said "I spoke the Bhagavata (XI Skanda)

to J Uddhava ".

188. Om Unmaththasvabhigopthre Namaha
who saved a mad dog (from being clubbed to death

by the villagers).

189. Om Unmaththavesanamadhruthe Namaha
who dressed and behaved like a crazy or mad man

and was so termed.

190. Om Upadhrava nivarine Namaha
who relieves distress and trouble.

191. Om Upamsujapabodhakaya Namaha
who advised devotees to carry on Japa secretly,

silently and without loud utterance,

192. Om Umesamesa ukthathmane Namaha
who combined in himself both the amsas of Vishnu

and of Siva.

193 . Om Urjitha bhakthi lakshanaya Namaha
whose faith was adamant.

194. Om Urjitha vakpradharthre Namaha
whose plighted word was firm and unbroken.

195. Om Urdhvarethase Namaha
who was a perfect celebrate (Brahmachari).

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