Monday, August 28, 2006

Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swamij i

766. Om Yathestadhana dharmakruthe Namaha
who gave abundant gifts.

767. Om Yanthrarudamjagathsarvaih mayaya bramayathprabhave
who is the Lord by whose Mayavic power, the entire universe is

kept rolling like clay on the potter's wheel.

768. Om Yamakirikara santhrastha samanthasya sahayakruthe
who helped R. R.Samant when threatened by the messengers

of (Yama) Death.

769. Om Yamadhuthapariklista purandhareasurakshakaya Namaha
who protected the life of R. B. Purandhare when it was assailed by
Death's myrmidons.

770. Om Yamabhithi vinasine Namaha
who dispelled the fear of Death.

771. Om YavanaJaya bhusanaya Namaha
who was an ornament of the (Shirdi) Masjid.

772. Om Yasasapi maharajaya Namaha
who was a Maharaj, even by the extent of his fame and glory.

773. Om Yasahpuritha bharathaya Namaha
whose fame has spread over the whole of India.

774. Om Yaksharakshah pisachanam sannidhyadheva nasakaya
who exorcised Yakshas, Rakshas as, and devils by his very

presence (without the use of incantations etc).

775. Om Yuktha bhojana nidhraya Namaha
who had regulated his meal and sleep.

776. Om Yughanthara charithravidhe Namaha
who knows the events of past Yugas.

777. Om Yogasakthi jithasvapnaya Namaha
who had conquered sleep by his Yogic Power.

778. Om Yogamaya samavruthaya Namaha
who was enveloped (and hidden) by his Yoga Maya i.e.,

the delusive power of Maya.

779. Om Yogavikshanasamdaththa paramanandha murthimathe
who by his Yogic glance filled the person (who received the

glance) with Parama Ananda.

780. Om Yogi hrudh dhyanagamyaya Namaha
who is reached by Yogis in their heart by Meditation (Samadhi)


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