Friday, September 01, 2006

Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swamij i

826. Om Vandhyadhoda vimukthyartham thadhvasthre
narikeladhaya Namaha
who gave barren women issue by dropping a coconut

into their upper cloth.

827. Om Vasudhevaika santhustaye Namaha
whose sole joy was in God (Vausdeva).

828. Om Vadhadhvesa madhapriyaya Namaha
who disliked controversy, hate and pride.

829. Om Vidhya vinaya sampannaya Namaha
whose vast knowledge was accompanied by humility.

830. Om Vidheyathmane Namaha
who was self controlled.

831. Om Viryavathe Namaha
who was bold.

832. Om Viviktha dhesasevine Namaha
who resorted to lonely places (especially in the beginning

of his career).

833. Om Visvabhavana bhavithaya Namaha
who was endowed with the faculty of identifying himself

with all.

834. Om Visvamangala mangalyaya Namaha
who is the auspicious essence of all auspicious things

(i.e. that which makes them auspicious).

835. Om Visayath samhruthendhriyaya Namaha
whose senses were retracted (or withdrawn) from sense


836. Om Vitharaga bhayakrodhaya Namaha
who had no desires (or longings), fears nor anger.

837. Om Vrudhdhandhekshana sampradhaya Namaha
who gave sight to a blind old man.

838. Om Vedhanthambhuja suryaya Namaha
who like a sun (in the hearts of devotees) made Vedantha,

Divine wisdom blossoms (in them).

839. Om Vedhisthagni vivardhanaya Namaha
who kept up his fire in the Vedi (the Dhuni in his Masjid).

840. Om Vairagya purnacharithraya Namaha
whose life was full of detachment (Vairagya).


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