Thursday, August 31, 2006

Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swamij i

811. Om Laghunidhraya Namaha
who slept little.

812. Om Labdhasvagramani sthuthaya Namaha
who was praised by (Chandbai) Patel who got back

his lost horse (with the help of Baba).

813. Om Lagudodhdhrutha rohilla sthaihbanath dharpa-
nasakaya Namaha
who humbled the pride of the Rohilla who had heaved

his stick aloft (to fell down and kill Baba) by paralysing
him with a touch and a glance (in consequence of which
the Rohilla collapsed and fell).

814. Om Lalithadhbhutha charithraya Namaha
whose life record is charming and wonderful.

815. Om Lakshminarayanaya Namaha
who is Lakshmi Narayana.

816. Om Lilamanusa dhehasthaya Namaha
who sported in human form.

817. Om Lilaamanusa karmakruthe Namaha
who playfully worked superhuman wonders.

818. OM Lelesasthri sruthi prithya masudhi vedhago-
who, pleased with Lele Sastri's recital of Vedas and

Upanishads made his masjid resound with the Vedas.

819. Om Lokabhiramaya Namaha
who attracted a world of people.

820. Om Lokesaya Namaha
The Lord of the World (i.e. God).

821. Om lolupathvavivarjithaya Namaha
who had no hankerings.

822. Om Lokesu vihatham schapi sacchidhanandha
samsthithaya Namaha
who amidst all his sport in the world retained undistributed

his realisation of Sat Chit Ananda.

823. Om Lonivarnyam ganudhasam mahaapayadh
vimochakaya Namaha
who rescued Das Ganu at Loni Varni from great peril

(of death at the hands of Kana Bhil).

824. Om Vasthravadh vapurvikshya- Sweccha thyakthaka-
lebharaya Namaha
who viewed his body as nothing but a garment and shook

it off from him at will.

825. Om Vasthravath dhehamuthsrujya punardheham
pravistavathe Namaha
who renouncing the body as but a garment, reentered it.


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