Tuesday, September 26, 2006



Srichand T. Rajpa!"
How to Acquire Knowledge
A young devoted follower of Socrates pleaded with him to

share the secret of acquired knowledge. Socrates willingly
consented and led the young man to a river. "This is how,"
Socrates stated as he pushed the young man into the river,
and then jumping in himself, he held the young man's head
under the water. The young man struggled frantically to free
himself, but Socrates held him tight and kept his head

Finally, after the young man scratched , clawed and fought
with every ounce of his being, he was able to break loose
and emerge from the water. Socrates then asked him, "When
you thought you were drowning, what one thing did you want
most of all?" Still gasping for breath, the young man exclaimed,
"I wanted air!" Socrates smiled and then wisely commented,
"When you want knowledge, as much as you wanted air, then
you will get it!"

There is a temple built of flowers, and from this flower temple -
the temple of the heart -I bring a flower to offer it to the sacred
memory of the blessed one .
- Sri Saipadananda Radhakrishna Swamiji.

What right have I have to speak of him and his message? I am
a child of silence - the silence of nature and deeper silence of
the soul. I have watched the silent moon and the silent waves.
I have felt the silent power of the sun's rays. In silence have I
felt the influence of the grace that Sai Baba and Sri Radhakrishna
Swamiji have poured on me.

Rightly has he been called 'Saipadananda'. He is in the ocean of
Sai-bliss. In the world around us 'milk' is mixed with 'water'. Milk
is the purusha. 'Amritam' is the word used with regard to the purusha,
the Supreme, in ancient books. Milk is the Divine Spirit, and water is
Maya. By asking us to recite Vishnusahasranamam, Sri Radhakrishna
Swamiji separated milk from water. He drank in God daily.

(to be contd...)

Subject: Satsang OBEISANCE TO SAIPADANANDA (contd...)

We are often swayed by the outer. We are often dominated by externalities.
We are oppressed by our environment and so we feel, again and again, so
unhappy. But Shri Radhakrishna Swamiji recognised the difference between
'Spirit' and 'matter1. He not only recognised the difference, he lived the
life which the saints live. They drank in God every day. So did this great
one. He lived and had his breath in God!

A long story this, of my quest of Shri Radhakrishna Swamiji. I went in
search of him, and at last found him. I found the blessed one. I found in
him the face of a child. This child-man walked the simple way, the way of

I went through a cycle of experiences, I came in touch with many. Man has
been the enemy of men, man has plundered men; man has trampled upon men,
subjecting them to slavery, ravaging civilisations, preying as a vulture
upon culture. What has been made of man !

My drooping faith revived - faith in the universe and life - on my finding
Shri Radhakrishna Swamiji. i saw the light in his face; in this devout
worship of Sai Baba, I saw the light of a new life; I saw in him the face of
a child.

Far away from the mad crowds of men lived he - this great one - in a corner
of Shri Sai Spiritual Centre. He lived day after day, always reciting the
Vlshnusahasra namam and blessing the miserables. He led many seekers to the
lotus feet of Sai Baba to grant whatever they sought. He was a genius imbued
with the real spirit of the great religions. Swamiji is so simple, so
childlike in faith, in trust in love, a bhakta. He developed through the
power of intuition and sympathy a wondrous vision of soul. Swamiji grew in
understanding and sympathy until he saw the essence of the great religions
of the world. His one word for everyone is : 'Avoid hatred; Love everyone'.

I have but given a partial picture of this great one. His life is so
wonderful! They enshrine his message - for me, for you - his message for
India, his message for the entire humanity.

Infallible mark

'The Mark of the true man is -

how much he is prepared

to sacrifice for others".

"Sai Baba is a most potent spiritual force that moulds and transforms the
life of spiritual aspirants who seek his guid­ance and Blessings even to
this day."

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