Wednesday, March 01, 2006


It is said that Bhagvad Geeta is that great poem which has the universal
capacity to provide solution to any sort of problem may it be physical,
psychological, political, economical etc. It is upto the reader and his
approach to search and find the solution.
For Sai Bhaktas "SHRI SAI SATCHARITA" written by Shri. Hemadpant is an
identical treatise. There are many bhaktas who reach out to this book with
"Shraddha" (faith) and "Saburi" (patience) to get the guidance from Shri Sai
Baba. I for one is never ever disappointed in my pursuit. Baba has guided me
on many occasions through this great book. I would like to quote one such
incident here.
Recently, my wife was taken very ill and had to be put in a hospital in a
very serious condition. She was suffering of acute Gastroenteritis and some
other complications. Doctors were trying out various medicines but the
improvement was not at all satisfactory. It was a Sunday when she was
admitted in the hospital and the loose motions and vomiting were not getting
controlled till Wednesday evening. She had gone very weak and restless. Me
and our children were very much worried and anxious.
Thursday morning as I woke up I was feeling gloomy and sad. Somewhere wilhin
myself I was in anguish and in a disappointed mood with Baba. It has been
observed that out Baba tests us on the dimensions of Shraddha and Saburi
before showering his grace and blessings on us. I felt that this was that
particular moment and I was no more able to stand to this test.
In this dejected slate of mind I picked up the Hindi version of "Shri Sai
Satcharitra" and immediately prayed to Baba for His help and guidance. I
opened the book at random and lo! I found page no. 82 open before me and
staried reading, as follows:-

There was no limit to my joy as soon as I read this paragraph. I knew Baba
has heard my prayers. It appeared as if Baba was sitting before my wife and
ordering her to get well. A cool cloud of peace enveloped me and I felt
assured that she is going to get well soon.
Subsequently, Shri Sai helped me in many ways through unseen and unexpected
help and everything becoming well. Needless to say my wife is back home from
hospital and recovering fast from her illness.
There is no doubt that each one of us has to live our own life through all
the ordeals and sufferings but firm faith and patience are the two strong
shields that protect us always.
These  two qualities are our Maha Prasad that Baba has given to us.

- G. M. Dhunjibhoy
Bhopal 462 021.

The experiences of Devotees as published in Shri Sai Leela Magazine, can be
read at

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