Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA. by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swami ji

241. Om Kalyanagunabhushanaya
who is adorned by virtues.

242. Om Kavidhasaganuthrathre Namaha
who protected the Kavi Dasa Ganu.

243. Om Kastanasakaraushadhya Namaha
who is the medicine to remvove all troubles.

244. Om Kakadikshitha rakshaya dhurmohamithi rakaya
who declared himself as ever guarding Kaka Dikshit.

245. Om Kanabhiladhapi thrathre Namaha
who saved (Das Ganu) even from the (terrible) Kana Bhil.

246. Om Kananepanadhanakruthe Namaha
who gave drink (Tea) in the forest (to Nana G.Chandorkar).

247. Om Kamajithe Namaha
who has conquered Lust and desire.

248. Om Kamarupine Namaha
who can assume any shape or form that he likes.

249. Om Kamasankalpavarjithaya Namaha
who has no desires or anticipations.

250. Om Kamitharthapradhathre Namaha
who bestows desired boons.

251. Om Kamadhisathrusathanaya Namaha
who destroys kama (lust) and other enemies.

252. Om Kamyakarmasusanyasthaya Namaha
who has completely given up desire.

253. Om Kamerasakthinasakaya Namaha
who prevented even the camera from taking a photo of

his face.

254. Om kalaya Nahama
who is Time (Kala) or death.

255. Om Kalakalaya Namaha
who is the Death of the Death.

(to be contd....)

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