Thursday, July 27, 2006

Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA. by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swami ji

286. Om Gangothpaththipadhambhujaya Namaha
from whose feet flowed the stream Ganga. .

287. Om Gangagirithikyathayathi srestena samsthuthaya
who was praised by the well known Saint Gangagir.

288. Om Gandhapushpakshathai pujyaya Namaha
who was worthy of worship with Sandal, coloured rice,

and flowers.

289. Om Gathividhe Namaha
who knows all the ways and goals.

290. Om Gathisuchakaya Namaha
who is the guide.

291. Om Gahvarestapuranaya Namaha
who is the ancient seated in the cave (of the Heart).

292. Om Garvamathsaryavarjithaya Namaha
who is free from Pride and Jealousy.

293. Om Gananruthyavinodhaya Namaha
whom song and dance amused.

294. Om Galavankarvarapradhaya Namaha
who gave boons to Rao Sahib Yeswant Rao Janardhan


295. Om Girisasadhrusathyagine Namaha
who is as liberal in his gifts as Mahadeva.

296. Om Githacharyaya Namaha
who is the author of the Gita.

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