Friday, March 10, 2006

Satsang CURATIVE QUALITY OF BABA'S UDI (November 1986)

After going through the various astonishing experiences of the devotees written in the Sai Leela magazine, a humble devotee that I am, felt encouraged to state one of my several experiences too. I have experienced many a miracle, but this one is exceptionally wonderful. It was in the month of November, when I had gone to spend my Diwali holidays with my sister. My niece (sister's daughter) was then suffering from a type of fever. In fact, it was the second month after she developed the problem and the fever would not abate inspite of expert medical treatment. My sister and brother-in-law tried all systems of medicine, but no change in the patient's condition. During the one week that I was staying with them, the girl would be all right during the day but she would not eat anything. She would go to sleep at 10.00 p.m. but wake up at 2.00 a.m., with a temperature of 103-104°F and a severe headache. She would vomit immediately and would be restless till the morning. I have been an eye-witness to this routine during the week that I was there. Finally, it was a Saturday, and I was to leave, the next day being Sunday. It was around 10.00 p.m. on Saturday and nobody at home could have dinner as the girl's condition was quite bad. She was very upset due to the fact that I was leaving the very next day. Baba's Udi and its cure were in my mind all along. Since my sister did not know much about Baba I could not force my feelings on her. However, on Saturday night, seeing the girl's condition, I gathered courage and asked my sister whether I could give my niece Baba's Udi. By Baba's will she immediately consented. I usually carry a small packet of Udi in my purse. I immediately took out a little, mixed it with
water and gave it to her to drink. A little was packed and kept under her pillow alongwith a photograph of Baba. All along my heart-felt prayers were, "Baba everyone in the family is upset and I am leaving this girl in Your care. If You do not show Your power and grace my faith in You may also weaken and what can I say to my sister? How can she develop faith in You?" I kept taking Baba's name and could not sleep comfortably throughout the night. Besides, every half an hour, I was feeling the girl's forehead for any sign of fever. To my great surprise, she slept very soundly throughout the night, without waking up even once. She woke up at 6.00 a.m.
in the morning like any normal person, brushed her teeth and took a little breakfast. We were
all astonished but did not have the courage to say anything. Her fever said good bye from that time
and she started improving. I did not know how to thank Baba and felt quite choked with emotion.
My faith in Baba was not only strengthened but my sister and her children too have developed a strong
faith in Baba as a result of this personal experience. I close this with a short prayer begging Baba always
to protect us, forgive us for our trespasses and correct and guide us at every stage.

Mrs. Santha Sankar
New Delhi-110 017.

The experiences of Devotees as published in Shri Sai Leela Magazine, can be
read at


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