Monday, July 31, 2006

Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA. by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swami ji

391. Om Jyothirjnana pradhaya Namaha
who imparted a knowledge of Astrology (to Sri G.M.Buty).

392. Om Jyokche suryam dhrusapasyathe Namaha
who gazed unflinchingly at the orb of the Sun.

393. Om Jnanabhaskara murthimathe Namaha
who was the incarnation of the Sun or Jnana or wisdom.

394. Om Jnatha sarva rahasyaya Namaha,
who knew everything hidden from others.

395. Om Jnatha brahma parathparaya Namaha
who realised the Supreme Brahman.

396. Om Jnanabhakthi pradhaya Namaha
who endowed his devotees with Jnana (Realisation) and

Bhakti (devotion).

397. Om Jnana vijnana nischayaya Namaha
who was established in his wisdom and Realisation.

398. Om Jnana sakthi samarudhaya Namaha
who was firm in his mastery over Jnana Sakti.

399. Om Jnanayoga vyavasthithaya Namaha
who was well balanced in his jnana Yoga.

400. Om Jnanagni dhagdhakarmane Namaha
whose action was not productive of any bondage, as it was

burnt out by his Realisation, that he was Brahman and not
the doer of action in the phenomenal world.

401. Om Jnana nirdhutha kalmasaya Namaha
who was freed from all sin or demerit by reason of his


402 Om Jnana vairagya sandhathre Namaha
who developed Jnana, wisdom and Vairagya (Dispassion

in his devotees).

403. Om Jnana sanchinna sarhsayaya Namaha
whose doubts were dispelled by his Jnana (Realisation).

404. Om Jnana pastha mahamohaya Namaha
who was freed from the Great Illusions (of body being the

self, and himself the agent of action) by the force of his
self Realisation.

405. Om Jnamthyathmaiva nischayaya Namaha
who realised that the realiser (or knower) of Brahman

(Self) is the Self (Brahman).

(to be contd....)

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