Friday, August 04, 2006

Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA. by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swami ji

481. Om Dhuradharsa tpobalaya Namaha
whose strength due to austerities was too great for

any to daunt or beard him.

482. Om Dhurbhikshepyanna dhathre Namaha
who gave food (freely) even in times of famine.

483. Om Dhuradhrusta vinasakrthe Namaha
who warded off or conquered even misfortune or

bad planetary influences etc.

484. Om Dhkkhasoka bhayadhvesa mohadhyasubha
nasakaya Namaha
who removed all evils eg., Pain, Sorrow, Fear, Hatred,

Moha (delusion) etc.

485. Om Dhustanigraha-sistanugraha rupa-mahavrathaya
whose great resolve (vrata) was to put down wickedness

and assist virtue.

486. Om Dhustamurkhajadadhinam aprakasa-swarupavathe
whose real nature was unrevealed to the wicked, fools, dullards


487. Om Dhustajanthu parithrathre Namaha
who gave sanctuary and protected even venomous (snakes) and

dangerous animals (like rabid dogs).

488. Om Dhuravarthi samasthadhruse Namaha
who could see everything that goes on at a great distance.

489. Om Dhrusyam nasyam na visvasyamithi bhuddhi
prabhodhakaya Namaha
who taught that things seen are perishable and not worthy of

our interest.

490. Om Dhrsyam sarvarm hi chaithanyamithyanandha-
prathistithaya Namaha
who was established in Supreme Bliss, by regarding

everything seen as Chaitanya, Pure Consciousness

491. Om Dhehe vigalithasaya Namaha
who was free from attachment to his body.

492. Om Dhehayathrarthamannabhuje Namaha
who ate to live (and not to satisfy the palate)

493. Om Dheho ghehah thatho manthum-ninyegururithirakaya
who declared "The body is but a house. My Guru took me

away thence (i.e., that the Guru eradicated the idea that the
body was his self).

494. Om Dhehatmabhuddhi hinaya Namaha
who was devoid of "Dehatma Budhi" (i.e., the delusion tha
the body and nothing but the body is the self).

495. Om Dhehamoha prabhanjanaya Namaha
who destroys the delusions connected with the body i.e.,

bodily attachments (eg., to property, kith and kin etc).

(to be contd....)

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